Monday 3 October 2011

This is what I meant to say...

For all my dear friends or enemy
I didn't meant to make you sad or angry .. But here's the truth .. but its fine for me, I forgive you for the wrong things you've done to me . I loved to forgive anyone who made me sad, angry or frustrated. I don't really care the things what have you done . That's really who I am . I'll forgive anyone who wants to be forgiven for whatever reason you give to me , I'll just accept it . I'm just me . I won't bear a grudge to anyone . If you don't want to be my friend , It's okay . You can be my enemy or you could be my friend either way I will treat you the same . It's fair for me .  The only thing I ask of you all is that if you lied to someone , tell them the truth before it's too late , lies can hurt and most don't even realize it .
I love to be me and I love the path I followed
for those who wanna be like me, just be the way you are
Because, It's the best way for you.
People whole over the places , don't like the others to follow their way. They really hate it ..
by me;
Copyright © Celly Lace Secret